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hi everyone: just a quick request! @ 12:44
Hi guys!
I'd really appreciate if you would follow an amazing new company thats been set up on facebook/twitter. Its fun by the beautiful kelanjo19, who im sure you all know! And i know shed really like it if even one or two of you went to follow lola lola.
They've given away an iphone and ipod touch in the last month or so as well as gift cards! so you might be lucky!
twitter, faceybb
ill be back next week with a big birthday haul for you guys and a OOTN:) keep reading and following!
ps. how cute is this tattoo, im thinking of getting it!
Labels: birthday haul, kelanjo19, lola lola, ootn, tattoo
Sunburn: the pain, the peeling and the pictures! @ 13:48
Bonjour! I recently went on holiday to the south of France, that's the reason for my lack of posts! Although i had a fabulous time splashing around in the pool and walking around beautiful french towns and patisseries i unfortunately got very sun burnt on my second day there.
Now i am relatively pale, not white as a sheet or anything but definitely not olive skinned! Every time i go on holiday i say to myself "this time you HAVE to put on suncream" as i have abit of a reputation for getting burnt....
But on this holiday unfortunately i fell asleep in the sun on the first and second days and didn't get on any sun cream at all practically, now it was really quite hot, pushing 30 degrees C and not putting on suncream in that kind of weather is severely dangerous for your skin. We all know about skin cancer and how you should really be putting on a suncream every day if your are going to be in the sun for longer than a 15 minute period. Unfortunately i learnt this the hard way.
The first evening my skin felt red raw, and it was mainly focused on my face which made it painful to talk. I have previously had sunburn cheeks and nose but not to this degree. I cannot describe how painful it was, at the time i compared it to child birth....looking back, maybe a slight over exaggeration? haaha! I did keep thinking i must take photos of it to warn you all off (yes it was that bad!) but i felt absolutely awful about the state my skin was in and i had no one to blame but myself! I have got photos from the last day of my holiday when it was finally starting to clear, but about 4 days in my whole face turned into one big blister, it was weeping and painful and i couldn't go in the sun for more than 15 minutes without feeling like it was going to melt off my entire face! (again slight over exaggeration!?) unfortunately even though i kept my face out of the sun on the second day my arm got burnt and also blistered so now i had a blistered face and left arm so was really finding it hard to enjoy my holiday, plus i felt like everyone was staring at me, because i looked like i had been in a fire! I have come to the conclusion that i actually got a very nasty 1st degree burn, i think we all forget how powerful the sun actually is! Here are a couple of the photos of my skin so you can get a idea, remember this was a week on!

I know these photos are horrible, but i really want to urge people to wear sunscreen, almost 2 weeks on and my skin is still not back to itself. Once the blisters had finally gone down my face started to crack, and every time i spoke it cracked. Putting on moisturiser was practically impossible it felt like it was burning on my broken skin, even though it was simple! I was basically left looking and feeling terrible! My lips had swollen up and once my skin finally started to peel off it was so uncomfortable.
Here's a photo of my arm on holiday, just as the blister was forming and then a second photo taken today, as you can see it is still peeling and with some quite bad patches still there. Luckily its stopped hurting now thanks to alot of aloe vera! But that only happened about 2 days ago!
I have now learnt my lesson, I'm not saying by any means i will be wearing sun tan lotion every single day of my life but i will be taking so much better care of my skin, these photos are a constant reminder of why i should be wearing it! As a reminder if you have been burnt in the past i would recommend going to your doctor and getting any moles checked in case of any problems you may have in the future. here's a bit of advice from cancer research uk
click this link!
I hope this post might have changed one persons mind about going out in the sun without at least SPF15 on their skin! And just because your skin has been repaired on the outside, inside it may never be the same!
Labels: beauty, bloggers, cancer research uk, dangers, france, holiday, peeling, skin damage, SPF, summer, sun, sunburn
"your face looks so smooth!" foundation and skincare. @ 19:16
I've had alot of comments about my skin recently from family and friends saying how flawless it looked and 'smooth' as my mum said! I don't know what to put this down to but i think alot of it has to do with the foundation Ive been using, Chanel mat lumiere in 20 Clair. I ADORE this foundation its gorgeous, its definitely replaced studio fix as my HG foundation even though that will still be great for full coverage days!
I use my Sam Chapman real techniques buffing brush to put this foundation on and can i just say WOWOWOWOW these brushes are brilliant, my foundation just glides on and i have no streaks or left over brush hairs (annoying!) I think the density of the brush really helps and I'm going to order at least one more of these brushes on payday for my bronzer.
The foundation itself is expensive for around £33 but i really do think its worth it, i never understood the hype around Chanel foundations until i tried one and now ill never go back hah!
I can't put my good skin only down to the foundation though, i have also been using a different skincare routine, i have always had quite oily skin with afew dry patches, prone to spots and redness, i by no means have great skin and it can range from average to terrible! The routine i have been using consists of 3 main products

The Clearasil skin perfecting was is something i have used for years, i love everything about it how it feels on my skin the light exfoliation it gives me and the creaminess of the liquid, i use this most nights to remove my makeup you can normally get these on an offer in supermarkets 2 for £4 -ish. The Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser is a favourite amongst bloggers and i don't know anyone who has used this who doesn't love it! its so rich and makes your skin feel like a babies bum:) i don't use this every night but about once or twice a week, there are so many reviews on this product i don't think i need to go through everything about it but it gets 5 stars from me:). The final product is my little spot treatment magic remedy i LOVE it, i discovered it afew years ago after my freederm(worst product ever) had run out and i didn't feel it was working for me, looking across the pharmacist counter i saw this for £3 or so and thought what the heck ill give anything a go! Literally the day after i first used it i saw a difference, i have the strongest type available with 10% benzoyl peroxide, this is not something i would recommend to everyone if you spots arnt to severe they make a 5% and 2.5% solution which may suit you better but I'm so used to buying the 10 now i don't think the others would work, haha! i put this on at night before bed and wash it off in the morning the first month or so of using this your skin will feel very dry but use a rich moisturiser and you'll be fine:) I only use this every other day now and my skin looks better than it ever has, i urge you to go out and get this, i get mine from Asda pharmacy but i think they do it in certain boots stores and on amazon as well.
hope everyone has a good week!
Labels: acne, chanel, chanel review, clearasil, foundation routine, good skin, liz earle, mat lumiere, panoxyl review, sam chapman, Skincare, spots
glitzy glam purchases @ 18:47
If you haven't heard of this website where on earth have you been!
www.shopglitzyglam.com is run by the YouTube 'sensations' Elle and Blair Fowler, i have previously purchased a headband and key chain from them but always wanted the makeup brush holder but shipping was as much as the glass jar itself and i thought it was a little ridiculous so have put off buying it. Off course when my twitter feed told me they were having free shipping on ALL orders i jumped straight on it and ordered the brush holder and also a plastic tumbler both i thought would be good for when i go to uni in September:)
I'm such a sucker for anything personalised, i think its the child in me, haha! i am saving both items for uni but have used the tumbler or cup as we would call it in England afew times and its really fun to use haha! i paid $28 for both items i believe which works out at about £17? somewhere about that, a little pricey but i love both items so i don't really mind!
I've got my eye on a waffleweave makeup bag next which i think my mum will get me for my birthday. Glitzyglam shipping was a little slow but that's understandable coming from the US and they packaged everything really well and each item was in a cellophane wrapper which was so cute!
What do you like from Glitzyglam? ever made a purchase?
Labels: blair fowler, brush holder, elle fowler, glitzyglam, haul, personalised, tumbler
random purchases, spray tans, iphone vagazzle and teeth? @ 15:19
Hey guys this is abit of a random blogpost with abit of everything in it:) enjoy!
So i have been in the market for a white watch from some time, i work at a jewellers so get a % off whatever i buy from there and i love the Michael Kors watches the one i want is £300+ so not really in my price range, i have also looked at toy watches and although i love them it is a plastic watch...
so i have previously had a white watch from Argos which i loved (and think i wrote a blogpost on?!) but it sadly broke last year and i never got round to getting a new one, i went on the Argos website afew days ago and saw it was on offer for GET THIS.... £5.99!!! i am not kidding. Now this isn't an expensive watch to start with but for £5.99 i thought what could go wrong and the awnser is nothing, its perfect it tells the time and looks stylish i definitely recommend this watch to anybody! Here's a link to the
watch if there is a downside its that it ticks quite loudly(i think!) but it may not bother you, this watch looks fantastic with a tan as well, perfect for the summer months! which brings me onto the next part of this post spray tans! now I'm one for a really healthy glow i love being tan but hardly ever find the time to do it but part of my college course is spray tanning so i am now a qualified tanner (is this a word!?) yay!:) I'm seriously thinking about getting my own spray tan machine, tent etc to start doing them as it can be a very good little business and plus i can always tan myself ;) haha! you can probably tell from the above pictures i am very brown but my poor hand has had a big fake tan fail! i was changing the bottle of tan in the machine and unfortunately forgot to wipe my hand afterwards...ever the professional! :)

iPhone vagazzle? whats that i hear you ask? obviously its just a blinged out iPhone, i know really cheap and tacky but i kind of love it! Ive had more comments on my phone in the last week or so than i ever had before haha! And this isn't the first rhinestone case I've had (CRINGE!) i got it from
here and thought it was a pretty good price, unfortunately they sent me one for the 3GS to start with but after emailing them they sent me the one for the iPhone 4 in the next days post which was great and they couldn't be more helpful:) As i said this wasn't the first case of this style I've had but its definitely the best one all the rhinestones are surrounded by a glitter style case so there isn't any glue gaps like you get with some cases and none of the rhinestones, not even tiny little edge ones, feel like they are going to come out! i don't know how they've achieved it but what a brilliant case! i love it and recommend to all:)
my last few purchases are a Filofax and some whitening toothpaste:) This past few months I've really tried to get organised and the Filofax has really helped with that the one i got is the breast cancer leather personal organised you can find all the details about it
here i only paid around £18 plus shipping from WHsmiths but cant find it on their website at the moment unfortunately. It was discounted at the time from £44 but they have loads of great sales on their website at the moment so have a look there might be one you like :) As well as trying to get organised i have been trying to get right for September, a post coming soon! and whitening my teeth was one of the first things i wanted to do, i love white teeth que Simon Cowell!

Look at the marvelous white teeth, so jel! anyway i have used crest whitestrips in the past and started to reuse them again, i have just finished a two week use of them and my teeth are pretty white but i heard about this toothpaste on YouTube and thought id give it a go! its really good, some people say it has a funny taste but to be honest it tastes like toothpaste:) i think its helping slowly to whiten them but i would like to try out the crest whitestrips supreme next:) heres a photo of me trying to show my teeth without looking too much like a cheeseball....fyi i failed!
Labels: beauty, bling case, crest whitestrips, filofax, haul, iphone, michael kors, random, review, simon cowell, spray tan, tanning, teeth, toywatch, vagazzle, white teeth, white watch
Haul! makeup, sam chapman brushes etc @ 14:24
hey, I've been doing a little bit of shopping and thought id share with you all my recent purchases,
The first place i stopped off at was debenhams and i love the fact they have started to stock MAC there as it is my nearest store, i got my two staple items studio sculpt concealer in NW20 and MSF Natural in light medium, although it look alot darker in the pan than my other one does! (weird). Walking past the Chanel counter i always lust after their foundations and lip colours so decided to take the plunge and go for it, luckily i had a £5 reward on my debenhams card so it wasn't as expensive as first anticipated, i got colour matched as a 20 Clair which is defiantly the right colour for me. I have used this for afew days and I'm still undecided i love my studio fix fluid and this doesn't have the same coverage but the finish it gives to your skin is lovely i will do a full review on this product soon.

I popped into bodycare this afternoon to see if they had any little gems going cheap, i have wanted some St Moritz for ages, it is the ripoff of St Tropez but I've heard some great things about it, i really need a good colour because i look like Caspar the friendly ghost at the moment, i really am that pale! Plus it was only £2 a bottle. And when i got to the till they had the rimmel fruities polish for £1.99 can you say impulse buy?! none the less orange is a shade i really wanted even though I've been eyeing up the china glaze neon polishes as a brilliant summer bright.

So you might know a little something about these brushes i have seen a few blogposts about them recently and thought id jump on the bandwagon! The are designed by the beautiful Sam at pixiwoo and if you don't know who she is you need to get across to their YouTube channel! I really wanted some new face brushes and although i love my MAC 187 i cannot justify spending £31 on a single brush right now, so after reading a few reviews i thought these would be great to try, The set i got was the core collection and it consists of a contour, buffing, pointed foundation and detailer brush. The set was £18.99 and i got it from love-makeup.co.uk, When i opened them up the first thing i noticed was how small the foundation brush was i was expecting something more like the 190 but its about half the size making for much more precise application. These brushes are so soft they are like feathers which is gorgeous when applying your makeup and i highly recommend them to anybody in the market for great quality brushes with a lower price range.
Hope you liked this post if you want a more detailed review of any of the items please ask
:) have a great day!