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"your face looks so smooth!" foundation and skincare. @ 19:16
I've had alot of comments about my skin recently from family and friends saying how flawless it looked and 'smooth' as my mum said! I don't know what to put this down to but i think alot of it has to do with the foundation Ive been using, Chanel mat lumiere in 20 Clair. I ADORE this foundation its gorgeous, its definitely replaced studio fix as my HG foundation even though that will still be great for full coverage days!
I use my Sam Chapman real techniques buffing brush to put this foundation on and can i just say WOWOWOWOW these brushes are brilliant, my foundation just glides on and i have no streaks or left over brush hairs (annoying!) I think the density of the brush really helps and I'm going to order at least one more of these brushes on payday for my bronzer.
The foundation itself is expensive for around £33 but i really do think its worth it, i never understood the hype around Chanel foundations until i tried one and now ill never go back hah!
I can't put my good skin only down to the foundation though, i have also been using a different skincare routine, i have always had quite oily skin with afew dry patches, prone to spots and redness, i by no means have great skin and it can range from average to terrible! The routine i have been using consists of 3 main products

The Clearasil skin perfecting was is something i have used for years, i love everything about it how it feels on my skin the light exfoliation it gives me and the creaminess of the liquid, i use this most nights to remove my makeup you can normally get these on an offer in supermarkets 2 for £4 -ish. The Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser is a favourite amongst bloggers and i don't know anyone who has used this who doesn't love it! its so rich and makes your skin feel like a babies bum:) i don't use this every night but about once or twice a week, there are so many reviews on this product i don't think i need to go through everything about it but it gets 5 stars from me:). The final product is my little spot treatment magic remedy i LOVE it, i discovered it afew years ago after my freederm(worst product ever) had run out and i didn't feel it was working for me, looking across the pharmacist counter i saw this for £3 or so and thought what the heck ill give anything a go! Literally the day after i first used it i saw a difference, i have the strongest type available with 10% benzoyl peroxide, this is not something i would recommend to everyone if you spots arnt to severe they make a 5% and 2.5% solution which may suit you better but I'm so used to buying the 10 now i don't think the others would work, haha! i put this on at night before bed and wash it off in the morning the first month or so of using this your skin will feel very dry but use a rich moisturiser and you'll be fine:) I only use this every other day now and my skin looks better than it ever has, i urge you to go out and get this, i get mine from Asda pharmacy but i think they do it in certain boots stores and on amazon as well.
hope everyone has a good week!
Labels: acne, chanel, chanel review, clearasil, foundation routine, good skin, liz earle, mat lumiere, panoxyl review, sam chapman, Skincare, spots